Positive Interventions Psychotherapy
When we are in the midst of difficulties, clinical symptoms such as depression and anxiety can make it hard to see our way forward. Joan treats patterns of distress produced by underlying, unresolved issues, often generated in our histories. Her approach to psychotherapy recognizes the power of our personal strengths and our personal “stories” in addressing and resolving the issues that manifest in such symptoms.
The stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, are potent shapers of our experience. These narratives, and our relationship to them, can also be key to transforming problems into opportunities — to see ourselves differently, and to create new and healing meanings from our experiences. Joan uses Appreciative Inquiry, Life Story Interviewing, and other collaborative methods to understand clients’ goals and values, work with their strengths, and generate real-life solutions for psychological distress.
Joan treats adults (^ 17 years), couples, and families in her Positive Interventions Psychotherapy practice. She uses a variety of tools and assessments to design the optimal treatment approach for each client, and, in addition, employs educational approaches that support and promote healing. Among these are mindfulness meditation skills training, self-compassion skill building, and the Alexander Technique. Joan also utilizes exercise psychology, for some clients, in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and specific phases of eating disorders.
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity’s sun rise.
— William Blake
Mindful awareness practice cultivates enhanced attention to, and friendliness toward, one’s present experience, and returns one to a state of calm and content. Self-compassion skill building teaches a relaxed, clear-sighted way of relating to oneself even in moments of felt inadequacy or negative thoughts, and allows greater experience of connection to others. The Alexander Technique is a self directed educational method for consciously altering habitual patterns of tension and inefficient biomechanics that affect how we feel and think. Alexander training provides relief from tension; freer, easier movement; symptomatic relief for some forms of anxiety and depression; and deeper, integrated self awareness.
Why Seek Positive Interventions Psychotherapy?
Any of a great variety of circumstances may precipitate a decision to seek Positive Interventions Psychotherapy with Joan. Those might include:

- Symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Challenges in wellness, health, and/or aging
- Changes in relationships with significant others or family members
- Serious illness and healing, including psychosocial oncology (biopsychosocial issues in prevention, treatment, remission, and/or recurrence)
- Challenges in parenting grown children
- Loss: grief and complicated bereavement
- Career transitions and shifts in life pursuits
- Changes in social environment (e.g., job loss or promotion, family status, relocation to new community)
Joan uses diverse tools, scales, and assessments to determine the design of treatment for each client, and often introduces additional educational skills training, as indicated. Among these are:
- Mindfulness Awareness Practice
Self-Compassion Practices
Emotional Intelligence
- Exercise Psychology
- Alexander Technique
Learn more about Positive Interventions Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy clients must meet the diagnostic criteria for depression and/or anxiety in order to be eligible for health insurance coverage for psychotherapy services. Joan also offers clients payment options on a contractual fee basis. Please contact Joan for more information or with questions.
Carrying Light into Darkness